Ahoy Open Roaders,

NOTE: If you haven't had any opportunities to be generous of late, please consider the section at the end of this email on Project Tierra Blanca!

The boys and I are getting back into skateboarding. As you can see from the video, I'm starting with the basics - a good old "ollie". It may be fairly basic, but's that's where I'm at and I'm pretty happy with it to be honest :)


As I had a chuckle at this video and my tiny progress, it reminded me of how similar it is to our growth in all areas of life, including our spiritual life as followers of Jesus.

I often speak about our three rhythms - knowing Jesus, inviting people into our life and gathering + getting involved. While these are simple rhythms we promote as a church, they are ultimate for you and I - individual followers of Jesus, not just things we act out when we gather.

While as a pastor I have a responsibility to care for those in our church, these rhythms are intended to promote your own personal spiritual responsibility to fulfil Christ's call to "make disciples" of all nations.

We want you to get to know Jesus yourself. Whether it's prayer, bible study, mediating on Jesus' teachings, you can learn to grow closer to Jesus yourself
We want you to invite people into your life. Learning new ways to intentionally love those you live, work, study and play with.
We want you to intentionally make time each week to gather and get involved with us. Learning to connect, share, listen and pray with your church family.

I was reminded by a friend this week that in the midst of our busy lives these rhythms may seem too challenging. While it's true that building them  into our week requires significant effort, I want to encourage you that if these rhythms have value (I'm entirely confident they do!) then even the smallest step forward is worth fighting for.

Perhaps the most challenging, uncomfortable rhythm is that of inviting others into your life. If you're finding it confronting it's because you've understood Jesus' challenge well! Take comfort that He wouldn't have called us all to it unless He believed that you (yep, you!) are capable of new ways of loving those around you.

However, just like my "ollie" on the skateboard, most of us aren't superstars :) I want to invite you to lower the bar as low as you need to. You don't need to organise an elaborate dinner, a year-long Bible study, or an arduous offer of assistance to someone in a challenging season.

Instead, look for the low hanging fruit of a chat over the back fence, lunch with a colleague, a call with an old friend, or a coffee by the beach. In fact, it may be that you're already practicing this rhythm and you need to be encouraged that you are participating in your call to love people with Jesus' love!

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by Jesus' call to love those around you, I'd encourage you to stop for a moment. Ask God to show you who you are to love and how you are to go about it.

I'd suggest that whomever God brings to mind and whatever you feel to do are probably the simplest way forward! It may cost you a few moments, a few dollars, or some other small sacrifice. However, it may be this small step of obedience is the path to a whole new expression of God's love in your life.

Just like my "ollie", don't be ashamed to step out and give it a go.

Giving Out - Project Tierra Blanca

Jesus taught us that our whole life is his - including our money! This means we look for ways to give to people and causes that align with his heart. Whether your budget for giving (a fab idea!) or are totally new to the idea, we want to encourage giving that includes giving 'out' to those beyond ourselves. Please click this link to Project Tierra Blanca and consider supporting them!

Coming Up

Sun 26th Mar 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sat 01st April 4pm Worship + Prayer at Tunnel Ridge Ranch
16-18th June Proposed Church Camp!

Church Camp!

We have been hoping to run an all-church camp on June 16-18 at Tunnel Ridge Ranch! To make this happen we need a person(s) who are willing and able to help organise it! If you are keen, please hit REPLY and let us know.

If the organisation is locked in we can confirm the booking and pay a deposit!


In the near future we will be regularly listing simple financial updates (donations, expenses etc). To find out more check out our giving info.

Keen to know more? At the bottom of every page on our website you can subscribe to our email newsletter!

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