In our attempt to help people become 'fully alive in Jesus', we help people foster three simple rhythms that we believe contribute to a thriving spiritual life: Getting to know Jesus, inviting others into your life and gathering and getting involved.


#1 Get to know Jesus

This is something that others can guide you in, but only you can commit to yourself. Nourishing your relationship with Jesus is the most vital aspect of a thriving faith and the simplest step towards loving God - what Jesus calls the greatest of all commandments.

Read more about Getting to know Jesus.


#2 Invite people into your life

We encourage all Christians to take Jesus literally when he says that other than loving God (see above), loving our neighbours [literally those we live amongst] is one of the most important act of loving obedience we can offer him.

Whether it's those you live, work, study, play or worship with, open up your lives (and your home if you have one!) to those around you. Start with a phone call, email or message and work up to a coffee, walk, movie or meal as an act of love.

This counter-cultural way of living may just become one of the most significant decisions of your life.

Read more about Inviting people into your life.


#3 Gather to encourage each other

Jesus showed us that the life of following Jesus is better when done with others on the same journey. Each week we need other followers who encourage us in life with Jesus. While there are many ways to do this we stick with simple, significant ingredients for our gatherings. The goal is not a religious ritual but a weekly gathering focused on building our love for God and those he has placed around us. Significantly, anyone who lives out our other two rhythms (know, invite) will have stories to encourage the church with!

Read more about Gathering to encourage each other.


Gather for worship

Gathering with a larger, regional group on a regular basis allows scope for activities that are difficult to replicate in a smaller environment. We encourage local groups to meet together for extended worship, encouragement and inviting others to taste what it might be like for them to find and follow Jesus themselves.

When you gather regionally we encourage you to skip out on your regular weekly gathering so that you only attend one gathering each week. This enables us to continue to prioritise our foundational rhythms of Getting to know Jesus and Inviting others into our life. All larger gatherings (weekly, monthly) are to sustain this daily, weekly rhythm of loving God and others.