Our desire is to see every follower of Jesus become fully alive in Him, experiencing what Jesus called His, "abundant life".

Below are resources for each on of our three rhythms that fuel anyone who wants to find + follow Jesus.


Know resources

The first rhythm that we champion is to get to know Jesus. The goal is that we each become 'fully alive' in Jesus. To help us experience all of the life Jesus offers, we've collected some resources for getting to know Jesus individually or in a group.


Guidelines for groups

The third rhythm that we champion is to invite people into your life. While many will simply join a local club, invite neighbours for dinner or host church family for BBQ's etc, some will have the gifting and natural desire to host groups of people together to help them realise this fully alive life. If you're interested in starting a more formal group check out our simple guidelines for a healthy group.


Guidelines for simple gatherings

The second rhythm that we champion is to gather to encourage each other. Otherwise known as 'church', Jesus modelled and the first church practiced weekly gatherings to encourage each other in faith and following Jesus each day. For those who help organise and lead our gatherings, please check out our simple gathering guides to save yourself time and 'hit the mark'!

Ministry Team

Resources for ministry teams

Our Ministry Team bears responsibility for discipling and operating our church in these three rhythms.