As a community of Jesus-followers we want to ensure we are generous towards the kinds of people and opportunities that we believe share Jesus' heart!

Below, is one of our "Giving Out" opportunities that we strongly encourage you consider giving to directly (giving goes direct to the project, not through our church).

Aaron and Ang have experience as successful small business owners, they are long-term missionaries, very long-term friends of Dan and Martine as well as family to Jared and Annaliese - so they are well known, loved and can be trusted!

Please watch the video, download their project brochure and ask God if He would have you contribute generously and joyfully to the vision God's given them.

You can find out more via the project brochure below or contact us..

Giving Details

Account Name: A Bullock
Bsb: 734077
Account: 707330
Ref: Colombia Project Open Road

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