Ahoy Open Roaders,

NOTE: Keen to follow Jesus' command to 'give to the needy' as we heard last week? Please consider the section at the end of this email on Project Tierra Blanca!

It's hard to find a Christian who isn't keen to "love UP and love OUT", loving God and those around us. However, when it comes to living this out, it can often feel challenging and complicated.

The simple rhythms we champion - knowing Jesus, inviting people into our life and gathering together -  are designed to reduce complexity and overcome the challenges we all face as we seek to follow Jesus' example and call.

However, for most of us in a western society, inviting people into our life presents the most obvious challenge (time, budget, housing, conversation) and personal risks (what if no one likes me, my coffee, my cooking, my yard etc).

I was recently reminded of a simple acronym, that may help us "live out" our desire to love those around us well: B.L.E.S.S.

The BLESS acronym comes from Dave Ferguson's new book B.L.E.S.S., and the aim is to help us all overcome the challenges to loving our neighbours well through small changes in your days and weeks.

B - Begin with prayer. We want to ask, ‘God how do you want me to bless the people in the places you’ve sent me to?’

L - Listen. Don’t talk, but listen to people, their struggles, their pains, in the places God sent you.

E - Eat. Don't skip the tucker! It’s not quick. You have to have a meal with people or a cup of coffee. It builds relationships.

S - Serve. If you listen with people and you eat with people they will tell you how to love them and you’ll know how to serve them.

S - Story. When the time is right, we can talk and then share the story of how Jesus changed our life.

I want to encourage you all to lower the bar, as I said last week, to make following Jesus something that becomes part of your everyday life!

Cheers and God Bless,


Saturday 1st April Worship + Prayer

Join us for Worship & Prayer 4pm this Saturday @ Tunnel Ridge Ranch, 61 Kowald Rd, Landsborough.

 4:00pm  Arrive
 4:15pm  Shared Meal
 5:00pm  Worship
 6:00pm  Pack up

We'll share a meal, communion, then worship and pray together - especially for the neighbours and friends God has placed around us.

If you are able, please bring a plate of food to share (no fridge available onsite), we will provide plates/cutlery.

Please listen to the playlist so you know the worship songs! :)

Giving Out - Project Tierra Blanca

Jesus taught us that our whole life is his - including our money! This means we look for ways to give to people and causes that align with his heart. Whether your budget for giving (a fab idea!) or are totally new to the idea, we want to encourage giving that includes giving 'out' to those beyond ourselves. Please click this link to Project Tierra Blanca and consider supporting them!

Coming Up

Sat 01st April 4pm Worship + Prayer at Tunnel Ridge Ranch
Sun 09 April   6am Combined Church Service at Shelly Beach
        4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 16 April    4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 23 April    4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 30 April    4pm Moffat Gathering

16-18th June Proposed Church Camp!

Church Camp!

We have been hoping to run an all-church camp on June 16-18 at Tunnel Ridge Ranch! To make this happen we need a person(s) who are willing and able to help organise it! If you are keen, please hit REPLY and let us know.

If the organisation is locked in we can confirm the booking and pay a deposit!


In the near future we will be regularly listing simple financial updates (donations, expenses etc). To find out more check out our giving info.

Keen to know more? At the bottom of every page on our website you can subscribe to our email newsletter!

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