On Saturday 4th of Feb from 4-6pm we would love to invite you to our first Worship Night for 2023!


We will meet at Jared + Annaliese Bullock's house. It's the brand new house at the end of Dunne Rd on your right as you approach.

There is limited parking onsite, so please park on the street in the cul-de-sac if need be. Please be mindful of the neighbours and avoid blocking driveways or parking inappropriately :)


As usual we will have a shared picnic meal (BYO meal/dessert to share), communion and a time of worship. Please also BRING A CHAIR as during worship your choices will be floor/mat or chair :)

We will make the most of our time together to share the simple structure we have put in place in the last few months and what our plans are for the future. If you come regularly there won't be too many surprises, but it will be a chance to hear more of the heart behind our church and ask any questions that you've had on your mind.

Jared is not only hosting with his wife, but leading us in worship! He has put together a playlist of old and new songs that he feels reflect our heart for Jesus. We'll sing a selection of these on the night

Jared hopes these encourage your faith in Jesus and prepare you to worship toether on Saturday :)


400pm Arrive
415pm  Shared Meal
445pm Communion + Worship
515pm  Church Mission + Q&A
600pm Help PACKUP and head home :)


Everyone is welcome, but we strongly request that parents maintain supervision of their children at all times. There is a creek on the property, snakes may be present and we will light a fire together toward the end of the night - so please keep safety front of mind.

There will be a small unsupervised creche area for kids and a small playground, but please limit this to children under 10.

As with everything we do, we'd love to have your whole family there!

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