Below is a basic run-sheet and outline for hosting a simple church gathering at the beach, park, farm or local church facility.
Hosting a baptism?
If you are baptising someone please check out our guide to hosting a baptism!
Three ingredients for gatherings
We have no requirements around order, length or activities at any of our gatherings. However, we give expression to three key ingredients in every gathering: the people of God, the Word of God and the Spirit of God.
The People of God
A gathering must highlight the value of God's people and his activity in their lives. Honouring the humanity of each person present changes the mood and purpose of each gathering. Withing a 'service' you can honour God's people in many ways such as sharing testimonies, an 'open mic' sharing time or highlighting a key story in someone's life.
The Word of God
Without teaching and encouragement from God's Word, the Bible, your gathering isn't in any way a Christian gathering or service. Ensure the Bible is honoured and that preaching is simple and can be lovingly obeyed by all present.
The Spirit of God
The Christian faith is not mere religious observance or moral wisdom. Rather, Jesus taught that God's present, his Holy Spirit, dwells in all of those who have put their faith in him. Not only that, but the Bible explicitly teaches that the Holy Spirit gifts us within our gatherings to build up and encourage each other! Whether a simple, "Come Holy Spirit", prayer to close, or a time for prayer or prophetic ministry, organise the gathering around your expectation that God will personally speak and lead.
Typical Runsheet
Pre-service: Connect, Listen, Share, Pray
Foster an environment for people to connect, listen, share + pray together.
Good or God / "Praying For" by Host [People of God]
Key: lead people to their own God-moment (in sharing/praying).
- Gather everyone within earshot of where you will sit/stand.
- Invite ppl to share a brief, encouraging Good or God story.
- Read a short scripture and/or open in prayer
Optional: written/liturgical prayer, testimonies, confession, kids talk, people share 'Good or God' with a buddy first so everyone gets to chat.
Sermon by Preacher [Word of God]
Key: Fulfil Jesus' commission to “teach others to obey all I commanded you”.
Share the Gospel/Mission/Vision/Rhythms and any announcements.
Preach a simple sermon that's hyper-focused on Jesus
Prayer by Preacher OR Host [Spirit of God]
Key: regulars share brief, encouraging words; visitors listen and enjoy.
Pray, “Come, Holy Spirit”, expecting the Holy Spirit gifts to manifest.
Encourage all those prompted by God to share a brief encouragement.