Marcello and I were asked last week by a fellow pastor, "Is the church growing?". My answer was, "No I don't think so. Week to week, we may be shrinking lately!"

For a pastor, this can be confronting. However, I've been trying to learn from God what church growth is all about, and the key factor is the focus of each week - the person and teaching of Jesus.

It's become clear to me that not only is it exciting and nourishing to hear from Jesus each week, but that calling each other to listen to his words and then lovingly obey him is the key to growth.

This 'obedience-first' approach is reminiscent of Jesus' first invitation, "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men". It seems that as Christians learn to live and love like Jesus ("following him"), Jesus promises that he will teach us how to share him and his message with others ("fishing").

Often, Christians like us spend all our time focusing on what we can't control - spiritual transformation in others - and ignore what only we can control - ourselves.

I've become convinced that our part in "church growth" is helping each other follow Jesus. As we focus on what we can do, obey Jesus, he works on what only he can do, grow His church.

As we begin to 'grow up' as a church, my heart and hope is that we continue how we've started, focused on following Jesus and allowing God to bring any increase to us that he desires.

May he build his church, in, through, around and beyond us.

"Growing Up"

Part of our recent discussions about Eldership, AGM and Membership are all focused on forming a simple, effective and flexible foundation for the future of our church.

Like growing up from a teenager to an adult, some might feel like they are "losing themselves". However, I see it as part of us "becoming who we truly are". We want to seek a structure that is not only transparent and responsible, but also that frees us to follow God's call upon our church in the future.

I've written a proposed structure for our church. You can read it on our website and then get in touch with any questions!


If you have any prayer needs, please be in touch so we can ask God for healing, transformation or provision for you. Brad White's dad, Bob, is currently in SCUH and needs prayer for inflammation in his brain to go down. He is beginning to respond to medication, but it looks like a two-week stay at this point.

Don't try and avoid suffering

An interesting video from a Chinese underground Christian leader Martine found! A great reminder that the goal for a Christian isn't necessarily to avoid all suffering!

Read 1st John this month :)

We are encouraging each other to read the book of 1st John in the Bible this month. It's short, so either (a) you can do it or (b) you can read it multiple times?! Nervous about reading the Bible, here is an intro to 1st, 2nd and 3rd John!

Coming Up


Sun 19 Nov 4pm Moffat Gathering + Baptisms Anyone?
Sun 26 Nov 4pm Moffat Gathering


Sun 03 Dec 4pm Worship @ City Life + our first AGM afterwards!
Sun 10 Dec 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 17 Dec 4pm Moffat + Baptisms Anyone?
Sun 24 Dec 4pm Moffat Gathering
Mon 25 Dec 9am Christmas in the Park - Simple Celebration at Moffs
Sun 31 Dec 4pm Moffat Gathering

Our Mission

To help people find and follow Jesus

Our Rhythms

Know Jesus: how are you getting to know Jesus this week?
Invite people into your life: who can you bless this week?
Gather and get involved: How can you connect, listen, share or pray with others this week?

Our Giving

If there is someone in need around you we'd encourage you to team up with another Christian friend and ask God to show you how to meet their need directly. You can also get started with giving to Open Road to meet needs as a church or get in touch with any questions you may have.

Last month's giving: $9,003
Last month's expenses: $8,338
Balance: $21,177 [note: we just had a few quarterly + annual expenses this wk]

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17

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