As a church, people need to get a sense for "where we are going"! Given how God birthed us and where we meet, it can be a bit hard to figure that out!

However, as we've discussed many times, it's my conviction that our vision isn't to "create a great church". Rather, it's to be a church that creates mature, faithful, 'great' followers of Jesus (more on this next week).

You might ask, "Sounds great, but what does a 'great' follower of Jesus look like?".

Great question!

My answer is my vision for your life.
My answer is my vision for my own life.
My answer is my vision for your family (if you have one) and my family.
My answer is also the same vision for our church.

My answer is that we each come to be "fully alive", just as we were designed to be.

We believe that each of us have been designed to live in God's image [see last week's email]. Our own internal failings - Jesus call's this sin - have caused us to fall far short of this design. So when Jesus says, "I came that you may have life and have it abundantly" (see the gospel of John chapter 10, verse 10) he isn't just talking about a great life, but about living life as we were meant to live.

This is our vision and my heart for every single one of us individually and as a church family.

Our goal cannot be to strive to build a 'great church'. However, if we seek to help each and every one of us experience the fullness of life that we were designed to, "building a great church" will seem like a distraction from the joy of seeing each of us become,"fully alive" in Jesus.

Out of darkness Into Light
Photo by Devin Avery / Unsplash

However, a bold vision like this requires more than emails, slogans and good intentions. It requires all of us agreeing to not only seek a fuller, more tangible faith than we have in the past, but to encourage and invest in each other as we seek to walk this journey out together!

It requires us taking time to consider, "how have I become like Jesus thus far?", "What's next for me and how am I going to continue to grow to be like him?", "What has held me back in my life and faith? Who can help me move past these limitations to become 'more fully alive'?"

This weekend as we worship and pray, I'll be encouraging us to take time to consider in prayer and thought, "What would it look like for me to possess a 'fully alive' faith?"

Cheers, God Bless, and see you Sunday for Worship,


Worship + Prayer 3pm this Sunday!

Join us on the College Green at Caloundra Christian College as we worship and pray together.

Bring some afternoon tea to share and arrive early for some footy/cricket or basketball on the courts!

300pm   Arrive at Caloundra Christian College, 7 Gregson pl, Caloundra
315pm   Eat / Play / Chat (Bring a plate to share)
345pm   Communion, Worship
415pm   Prayer
430pm   A 'lil bit more worship
445pm   Packup + have a laugh togther


As we shared last week, we want to be asking God to speak to us on a number of topics:

  1. Rhythms: how will we foster our simple rhythms (know, invite, gather)?
  2. Elders: how will we structure our long-term leadership and who will be on the team.
  3. Generosity: how would God have us become the generous individuals and church he's called us to.
  4. Future: how and where will we continue to gather including our location.

Pray for Coastal Youth Conference

Please pray for approximately 30 teenagers from Coastal Youth that we are taking to the Awaken Conference at Suncoast from Thursday to Friday night. May they come to discover or be deeply reminded of God's love for them and his purposes for all of us.

Coming Up

Sun 02 July     3pm Worship + Prayer Gathering. Caloundra Christian College
Sun 09 July  3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 16 July  3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 23 July  3pm Moffat Gathering

Our Mission

To help people find and follow Jesus

Our Rhythms

Know Jesus: how are you getting to know Jesus this week?
Invite people into your life: who can you bless this week?
Gather and get involved: How can you connect, listen, share or pray with others this week?

Our Giving

If there is someone in need around you we'd encourage you to team up with another Christian friend and ask God to show you how to meet their need directly. You can also get started with giving to Open Road or get in touch with any questions you may have.

Last mths giving: $9,260
Last mths expenses: $5,778
Bank Balance: $16,113

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17

Bonus: Worship

Sticking to the theme of "fully alive", here is a song titled, "Turning on the lights" by an American couple named Jonathan David and Melissa Helser. The song speaks of how coming to know God is like having the lights turned on in your life.

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