"...casting all your anxieties on him,
because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7

I can think of at least two good reasons to pray!
- I need help!
- God's helped me before!
But do you know one reason I don't always consider before praying? A great reason to pray is because God cares for me.
If you weren't with us on Sunday, I want you to consider what your anxious about this week and bring it to God in prayer. If you're not used to praying or haven't prayed in some time, your prayer can be as simple as,
"Dear God, you know I'm worried about _____. This week would you meet my needs? Would you help me trust that you care enough to provide whatever I need."
If you want to explore more yourself, check out some scriptures, prayers and resources (books, courses) on prayer that I've put together previously. Learn about head prayers, heart prayers and unspoken prayers.
I want to encourage you that God directs us to pray because he cares for us. God delights in answering our prayers as part of his caring, fatherly nature!
If you are keen to pray, or listen to others pray, then join us tonight from 645pm at our house (SMS 0402 301 568 for the address)!
We'll start praying from 7pm and finish by 8pm.
For those joining us and those who will be praying at home, here are some focus points for prayer.
Community, QLD + Beyond
- Thank God for many seeking God, visiting churches and being baptised (more people have been baptised in QLD Baptists in the last 12mths than any 12mth period prior)!
- Our nation would desire God’s truth and grace.
- God will raise up people to share Jesus in their neighbourhoods, schools and workplaces.
- That the sick, lost + lonely will be embraced and comforted.
- That churches throughout our region and the state will be strengthened, courageous and plant more churches!
Open Road
- That we will embracse and champion our three rythms that nourish our souls and help nourish others!
- For all of ORC to have a deeper prayer relationship with God and each other.
- Links to believers in O/S lands (schools + orphanages).
- Monthly worship venue.
- Growing worship team.
- Those in leadership/Ministry.
- God's vision for ORC to be continuously revealed (strategy).
- Generosity opportunities. (see our Giving Kitty below!)
Personal Prayer: What’s your “One Prayer”?
Whats one thing you can pray for yourself because God cares for you?
May God Bless you and may you be encouraged this week that God cares for you!
Coming Up
Sun 09 June 3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 16 June 3pm Moffat Gathering - Jersey's baptism!
Sun 23 June 3pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 30 June 3pm Moffat Gathering
Worship Gatherings - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 07 July Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 04 Aug Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 01 Sep Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 29 Sep Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 03 Nov Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Sun 01 Dec Worship Gathering - Venue, Times TBC
Our Mission
To help people find and follow Jesus.
Our Rhythms
Get to Know Jesus: how are you getting to know Jesus this week?
Invite people into your life: who can you intentionally open up your life to?
Gather and get involved: who can you connect, listen, share or pray with this weekend?
Our Giving
We are slowly being led to needs for our giving kitty! Please take time to ask God if there is someone in need around you whom God wants you/us to help!
Last month's giving: $8,635
Last month's expenses: $6,547
Balance: $50,109
Giving Kitty Oct-May: $5,000
Giving out Oct-May: $2,930
"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17
If you would like to support what we are doing and our giving to those in need, you can get started with giving to Open Road to meet needs as a church or get in touch with any questions you may have.
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