I was grateful to share communion with so many of you last Sunday! I encouraged us to reflect on why Christians have so consistently encouraged each other to "examine themselves" (1 Corinthians 11:28) - see if there is any unconfessed sin in their lives - before taking communion.

8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 5:8-9

As we read in 1 John, confession of sin is not to pile guilt or shame on ourselves, rather, confession is to free ourselves from the burden of sin that Jesus came to free us from!

If you are feeling 'stuck' in faith or life, I'd encourage you to take time to "examine yourself". Ask God to show you any sin that needs to be confessed. You can confess your sin quietly to God yourself, or be bold and confess it to another follower of Jesus in your life or at church.

In doing this, you are short-circuiting the power that sin has in our life. Not only did Jesus come to free us from the penalty of sin (eternity separated from God), but also for the destruction it brings in this life.

If you find it particularly hard to live in the grace that God offers us in Jesus, then I'd encourage you to do what we did on Sunday, get some juice/wine and bread/cracker and "have communion" at home yourself or with close friends or family. Historically, it's not unusual to do this at home! Confessing your sins and sharing communion in a home is quite possibly more like Jesus' original example than how we share communion today.

1 My dear children,...But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. 2 He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world. - 1 John 2:1-2

May we all be encouraged to regularly examine ourselves, confess our sins and live in the full freedom God offers us in Jesus Christ.

Cheers and God Bless,


AGM Wrapped Up!

There's always much to celebrate when we gather to worship Jesus as we did last Sunday. However, it was especially wonderful to see our church affirm Dan Hill and Paul Lanham as Elders at our first every AGM

I want to thank the church for trusting our process and affirming the two people our Leadership Team felt that God led us to recommend alongside myself as Elders at Open Road. Of course, thanks to Dan and Paul and their families for being willing!

Reading Ruth - our Bible book of the month

I'm excited Kate has recommended the book of Ruth to us for December. Here's her overview along with a simple, illustrated introduction for those who are new to the Bible or Ruth!

This narrative centering on a particular family reminds us that God is a universal God for all people. Ruth is a non-Israelite who, by faith in God, is taken into His family and becomes an ancestor of Jesus, whose birth we celebrate this month. - Kate

Why Gather each week?

Francis Chan gives us a reminder of the purpose of gathering together as a church family regularly.

Coming Up - Christmas Gatherings


Sun 10 Dec 4pm Moffat Gathering
Sun 17 Dec 4pm Moffat + Baptisms Anyone?
Sun 19 Dec Dan + Martine on holidays with family for about 2 wks!
Sun 24 Dec 9am Christmas in the Park - Simple Celebration at Moffs
Mon 25 Dec No gathering
Sun 31 Dec 9am Morning Gathering at Moffat

Our Mission

To help people find and follow Jesus

Our Rhythms

Know Jesus: how are you getting to know Jesus this week?
Invite people into your life: who can you bless this week?
Gather and get involved: How can you connect, listen, share or pray with others this week?

Our Giving

If there is someone in need around you we'd encourage you to team up with another Christian friend and ask God to show you how to meet their need directly. You can also get started with giving to Open Road to meet needs as a church or get in touch with any questions you may have.

Last month's giving: $9,003
Last month's expenses: $8,338
Balance: $22,256

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." - Proverbs 19:17

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