Happy Easter!
Good Friday is the most sobering event in the Christian Calendar.
Firstly, at Easter, we are reminded that Christ's sacrifice is necessary and fundamental for our salvation.
Secondly, we are reminded that his suffering is not just a gift but a model for our lives.
I want to briefly encourage you to mark your gratitude to Jesus this Easter by a simple act of sacrificial worship of your own. Paul, in the book of Romans, encourages us towards this when he says:
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Romans 12:1
God may lead you in some particular way, but I'd offer three simple acts that help us identify and unite with Christ this Easter:
Christ gave his life for you and I. Is he calling you to give something to another?
Can you take an extended time to pray? Is there a new way you can pray? Is there new, or deeper, language with which you can pray this Easter
Traditional Christianity incorporated fasts leading up to Easter. Can you fast for one day or one meal this weekend?
However you decide to remember Christ this Easter (I'll be fasting), may you experience not only the truth of his sacrifice but Christ himself.
Cheers and God Bless,
Dan, Martine and family
Easter Sunday: Sunrise Service, 6am @ Shelly Beach
Each Easter the local churches host a combined churches Sunrise Service. With so many of our locals away (including Martine and I at an Easter Convention at Mt Tambourine), this Easter the Sunrise Service is our only gathering.
The Easter Sunday service is always a wonderful time to gather with other Christians from all the smaller churches around Caloundra to celebrate Jesus. Representatives from each church take part in the service and you have amazing ocean views for your start to Easter Sunday!
Address: Shelly Beach Park, Victoria Terrace, Shelly Beach